Credit: Community

Sharing knowledge is key to bringing harm reduction strategies to scale.

Our leaders often present at conferences, summits, training events, program launches and press briefings around the country. We live to collaborate, educate, and inspire. If you’re looking to lead the charge to change, we’d love to share harm reduction strategies with your audience, team or community.

Shifting Perspectives.
Changing Lives.

Give your audience the gift of knowledge, power and understanding. Event attendees and participants emerge with new ideas, support, and a renewed drive to create change.

Your audience will:

develop an inclusive world view that fosters community and connection

see the world through a more empathetic lens

gain a new sense of equity and justice

Key Harm Reduction Topics

The topics that we speak about are grounded in evidence and driven by passion. Whether you want to educate your audience about the basics of harm reduction, or facilitate a workshop to build empathetic communication skills, we will create a session to meet your group’s needs.

History of Harm Reduction

Harm Reduction Philosophy & Principles

Harm Reduction Strategies & Programs

The War on Drugs

Understanding the Needs of People Who Use Drugs

Dissolving Stigma around People Who Use Drugs

Inspirational Harm Reduction Leaders

Our team represents a full spectrum of lived and professional experience. We are more than trainers, advocates, and spokespeople. We’re connectors, collaborators, storytellers, teachers, and disseminators of the collective learnings of harm reduction.

Book a Speaker

Want a member of our team to speak to your group? We’re happy to save the date. Just tell us a little about your event, audience and goals. We’ll match you with a team member who can deliver the message you want to share.

Harm Reduction Needs You. Join the Movement.

Become a Harm Reduction Champion

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