Harm Reduction Issues
Xylazine (zie-luh-zeen)
Xylazine is marketed as a veterinary tranquilizer that produces sedative-like effects. It is becoming more frequently found in the drug supply, so make sure you check out the info below to stay in the know!

Why should I know about Xylazine?
Although hard to stay on top of, knowing more about what’s in our drug supply is essential for informing ourselves and our communities. The more we understand the effects of a substance and how it’s used, the more we can prepare ourselves with valuable tips and tools to keep us and the ones we love safe.
First prevalent in Puerto Rico over the last few decades, xylazine has since been reported all over the Northeast. Additionally, many other states note that it is becoming increasingly present in overdose deaths and has been known to cause serious skin ulcers and wounds.