
Training Guide

Quality Healthcare is Your Right

What to Expect When You Get There

There may be a long wait. 
Try to plan ahead so you don’t go into withdrawal while you’re waiting. Bring something to do while you wait (something to read, crossword puzzles, etc). You can also use this time to think about and write down questions or things you want to talk about with the doctor. 


You may talk to several nurses or other staff before you see the doctor. 
If you have to explain things more than once, be patient and consistent. Staff are there to help and want to hear information directly from you. 


You may have to fill out some paperwork.
It’s OK to ask for help, and to ask for paperwork in the language you understand. 


Your time with the doctor may be short. 
Choose 1 or 2 of the most important problems to discuss. 


Doctors are often busy. 
It is not unusual for some doctors to answer the phone while you are with them. Even though it can be frustrating, doctors may treat you with more patience if you are patient with them. 


You may be asked to talk about sensitive issues. 
If you need privacy, it is OK to ask for it.


You will be asked questions about your medical history and current health, including drug use (and the health of your family). 
Think about what you feel comfortable talking about so that you are not caught off guard. Doctors use this information 1) to help give you the right diagnosis and 2) so that they do not prescribe medication that is unsafe.