Covid-19, Stigma, & it’s Impact on Marginalized Communities – Part 2 This 2 -hour virtual panel discussion is the SECOND of a TWO PART series examining the impact of stigma and COVID-19 on marginalized communities. The first part of the series featured leaders of the largest harm reduction policy organizations in New York and the … Covid-19, Stigma, & it’s Impact on Marginalized Communities – Part 2
This 2 -hour virtual panel discussion is the FIRST of a TWO PART series examining the impact of stigma and COVID-19 on marginalized communities. The first part of the series will feature leaders of the largest harm reduction policy organizations in New York and the nation as well as representatives from New York City Department … Stigma, COVID-19 and the Impact on Marginalized Communities — Part 1
COVID-19 Response Harm Reduction Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19 is an illness caused by a novel coronavirus that can cause respiratory infection and lead to health problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined COVID-19 as a global health emergency and a pandemic, meaning it spread to many people across the world at the same time.
... Covid-19 Response
Life-saving statewide coalition shifts the narrative on International Overdose Awareness Day CASEP celebrates the ‘sheroes’/’theyroes’/heroes saving lives across CA SACRAMENTO, CA, August 30, 2023 — Over 60 harm reduction programs that make up the California Syringe Exchange Programs (CASEP) Coalition are taking collective action August 31 on International Overdose Awareness Day to focus on … CASEP PRESS RELEASE: LIFE-SAVING COALITION SHIFTS NARRATIVE ON IOAD
The DOPE SRO Project launched in San Francisco, California during the height of the COVID pandemic. DOPE, an acronym for Drug Overdose Prevention & Education, was created in December 2001 for the purpose of providing overdose education to participants in shelters, jails, treatment programs, and syringe access programs. The DOPE Project is the oldest of … A Peer-Led Initiative Leads Overdose Prevention & Response Within Supportive Housing
1. Airport Security The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) manages all the security checkpoints within the airport, and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has improved its programs to facilitate the entrance of international travelers. Domestic Flights Travelers visiting Puerto Rico from the U.S. arrive at the lower level of the airport and must walk a few … Arriving at Puerto Rico: What to Expect
The DOPE SRO Project: A Peer-Led Initiative to Prevent Overdose in Supportive Housing In 2021, the U.S. recorded over 100,000 opioid overdose deaths, 1,361 of which were in San Francisco. As the rates of fentanyl use and contamination increased over the last several years, so have overdose rates. In San Francisco, many overdoses were occurring
... The DOPE SRO Project
Anthony Salandy, PH.D., MSc., (he/him) Chief Program & Business Strategy Officer Anthony Daryl Salandy, Ph.D., MSc. (he/him) is the Chief Program & Business Strategy Officer at National Harm Reduction Coalition. Dr. Salandy has been developing and advancing data-driven solutions to address complex social and organizational challenges for over 20 years. He is a skilled
... Anthony Salandy, Ph.D., MSc.
No one is disposable. 🗣️ We can keep each other safe. Wear a face mask to protect your neighbors through COVID-19 and send a message: We’re tired of policies and practices that leave people who use drugs, trade sex, and experience structural violence to fend for themselves. For more than 25 years, National Harm Reduction … Purple Cloth Face Mask
Join us for a 2-part Office Hours series on the COVID Vaccine and how it relates to harm reduction work and harm reduction community. The second session will be on March 31st, 4-5:30 ET. This session will be dedicated to highlighting how harm reduction programs have dealt with COVID-19 vaccination for themselves and their participants. … COVID Vaccine Office Hours Part 2: Harm Reduction Programs
Join us for a 2-part Office Hours series on the COVID Vaccine and how it relates to harm reduction work and harm reduction community. The first session will be on March 17th, 4-5:30 ET. Bring you questions for Dr. Hansel Tookes of IDEA Exchange in Miami and NHRC Medical Director Dr.Kimberly Sue, PhD as we … COVID Vaccine Office Hours Part 1: PWUD, LGB TGNC+, folks with HIV/AIDS, BIPOC
This 2 -hour webinar will feature panelists from across New York State discussing how Hepatitis C Telehealth Services can be integrated into Harm Reduction Programs’ services. Objectives: By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: Describe the way telehealth services for HCV work and the importance of care and treatment; Explain the challenges … Hepatitis C Telehealth Services in Harm Reduction Programs
This 2 -hour webinar will feature panelists from across New York State discussing how Hepatitis C Telehealth Services can be integrated into Harm Reduction Programs’ services. Objectives: By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: Describe the way telehealth services for HCV work and the importance of care and treatment; … Hepatitis C Telehealth Services in Harm Reduction Programs
What’s Next? The HepConnect regional team will work with grantees and other providers in the region to build out their capacity and address any training needs on an ongoing basis. All grantees will be supported to attend a regional convening event with fellow grantees in early 2020. A third category of funding to support time-limited
... What’s Next?
Find Harm Reduction Resources Near You Harm reduction aims to connect people who use drugs to resources and community to thrive. Whether you use drugs, or love someone who does, this page is an access point to resources that support safer drug use. Need Sterile Syringes? Find a local syringe access program using the map
... Harm Reduction Resources Near You
Harm ReductionWork in Action Credit: Nigel Brunsdon The best way to understand the effectiveness of harm reduction strategies and solutions is to look at the results of active harm reduction programs. National Harm Reduction Coalition puts strategies and ideas into action in the real world to create measurable and dramatic change. See how we’re transforming
... Work In Action