
Training Guide

Quality Healthcare is Your Right

Tips for Communicating with Your Doctor

Here are some things that might make doctors frustrated: 

  • Answering your cell phone or texting during a visit. Think about turning it off or setting it to silent. 
  • Being rude or aggressive. Even though things might get frustrating, try to communicate in a calm and friendly way. 
  • Missing appointments without calling ahead or canceling many appointments in a row. It’s OK to cancel, but calling ahead helps. 
  • Saying that your pain is much worse than it is. This can lead to the wrong diagnosis, getting more tests than you need, and it can take up more time. Being realistic and honest can help your relationship with your doctor. 
  • Not getting tests that the doctor schedules for you. If you can’t make it, let the doctor who scheduled the test know so that you can reschedule. 
  • Telling the doctor what your diagnosis should be. Give the doctor a chance to do his/her job. If you have had the same kind of problems in the past or you think the doctor is missing something, it can be helpful to share the information with them. 
  • Selling your medication. The medication was given to you to improve your health and if you don’t take it your health may suffer. It is illegal to sell your medication. If the doctor finds out, he/she is responsible for reporting this and you could lose your insurance and even be charged with a crime.